
I went to see Marni four months after the birth of my daughter by emergency c-section, at a pretty low ebb, physically and emotionally. I hope it’s not over the top to say that my first session with Marni was life changing. Through her kind and pragmatic manner we worked through elements of my physical recovery, but she also enabled me to see how traumatised I had been by the birth and had some excellent, practical, suggestions to help me manage that without ever straying into therapy. In addition, her exercise programmes were clear, easy to follow and manageable with a young baby. I would recommend her to anyone in a heartbeat and am so grateful and glad that I saw her when I did. My daughter is now 7 months old and I am back running again and feeling so much like my normal self.”
— Kate S
Marni is incredibly welcoming and enthusiastic and just what I needed to stay fit. She has a great eye for individual needs and really helped me to become more aware of and adapt to the changes of my body.
— Charlotte
After suffering from severe back pain and limited movement after a bad fall, I came in to see Marni. She gave me a full examination and really listened to my symptoms, helping to diagnose what had happened. Marni helped with massage, strapping and gave me some exercises I could do to strengthen the area. What really impressed me is that she understood that complete rest was not going to be possible, and worked with me to create a gym plan that I could still do to keep fit while injured. Thank you Marni, I managed to get back on the hockey pitch in record time!
— Ruth
I took Marni’s post natal Pilates class after having my second baby and can highly recommend it! Marni creates a warm and inviting session open to all levels and you are welcome to bring your baby (bonus!). She is knowledgeable with the exercises she introduces while modifying to suit individual needs. I found the class to be great for muscle strengthening (especially the muscles you don’t think about!) and reducing aches and pains that come along with pregnancy.
— Kate
Marni is a great physio and a great person! She helped me feel better with my pregnancy pains. I cannot recommend her highly enough!
— Aida
I had entered the 2014 London Marathon in April. I was not a runner, in fact, I hadn’t run a long distance in about 5-10 years. As I began my training, it soon became clear that I couldn’t even run one mile without severe shin splints and it was not a pain I could run through.

Marni has an enthusiastic and intelligent approach, where you feel you are learning a lot at the same time as being treated. She assessed my running style, educated me on the best trainers and on good alignment and biomechanics. We worked on weekly strengthening techniques, building up other muscles etc., and with a lot of advice and regular physio sessions I was able to achieve 8, 10, 12 and then 20 miles by February/March.

Marni also did a course of acupuncture for ITBS which helped dramatically and with that, sports massage and advised rest, it eventually went away. It was always a relief to be in hands of an expert. I highly recommend Marni.
I love Marni’s post natal pilates classes. I never really enjoyed pilates before giving birth but Marni’s classes have really helped me to strengthen my core and tighten my pelvic floor which were shot after I have birth. She takes great care to make sure that the postures are right for me and my fitness level. The classes are fun and a great way to socialise with other mums. Bonus!
— Xin
Great Pilates class for new and not-so-new mums! I really like that every week new exercises are introduced so you are never bored. Marni has a personalized approach to ensure every person attending the class does things properly and makes adjustments to exercises according to everyones needs and capabilities (back pains/c-sections etc). She also keeps babies entertained so that mums can work out undisturbed. Highly recommended
— Irka
I honestly can’t thank you enough, when I came to you I was feeling pretty down about my bladder and pelvic floor weakness. I was completely unaware of how to do proper pelvic floor exercises! I can’t believe the difference in the last six weeks and feel like I’m back to normal and no longer dictated to by needing to use the loo! You’ve given me valuable advice and practical help, and changed my life! I now feel that my body would be able to cope with a second pregnancy if I chose to, and that’s an amazing feeling. Thank you!
— Ruth

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