Women’s Health

Women’s Health Physiotherapy

Women's health physiotherapy focuses on problems related to obstetrics and gynaecology. Suitable for all women at every stage of life, from teenage years to post-menopausal.

The hour long initial assessment aims to diagnose the issue and create a plan for treatment.

The Mummy MOT®

A Mummy MOT is an hour long assessment which will include a full postural screen, a pelvic floor muscle assessment if appropriate, an abdominal-wall exam to check for any tummy separation and screening for any bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction.

The assessment will be carried out by myself, a specialist pelvic health physiotherapist, who is fully trained to carry out a Mummy MOT


Acupuncture helps to promote healing and reduce pain. It is a holistic health technique where small needles are inserted into points of the body. Acupuncture may be suitable as part of your physiotherapy treatment.

Any procedure involving needles does carry potential risks, therefore I will assess your suitability for acupuncture, using the AACP safety guidelines.