Sports Massage

Our modern lifestyles can take a toll on our muscles, leading to muscular imbalances, resulting in discomfort and chronic pain. Sports massage is an excellent treatment to help combat these stresses and strains. It is generally a deeper massage and a more localised treatment working on symptomatic areas but can also be an excellent treatment to spot and help prevent injuries from occurring in the first place. 

It is a common misconception that sports massage is only for professional athletes but that simply isn’t the case. I have used these techniques to treat a variety of patients, from English Channel swimmers to desk-bound lawyers. Everyone can benefit from this treatment!


Qualifying from the prestigious London School of Sports Massage in 2005, I have treated thousands of patients since. My experience and extensive professional knowledge, utilises many different techniques to provide the most effective treatment. 

Sessions last an hour for both initial appointments and follow-ups. During the sessions we will discuss issues, with the main focus of the session being hands on. Whilst this treatment may not be the most comfortable, I always ensure that the pressure is tolerable, and change this depending on how you respond to treatment. 

Sports massage can play a valuable role in maintaining good muscle condition, preventing aches and pains and allowing optimal posture and movement patterns. So if you are ready to loosen tight muscles and help to prevent future injuries - click below and book your session.

Simply the best, in terms of knowledge, expertise, kindness and lovely healing hands... I would recommend hands down.
— Laura